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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - straw


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  солома ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. солома a house thatched with straw —- дом с соломенной крышей 2. соломинка (естественная или пластмассовая) to drink smth. through a straw —- пить что-л. через соломинку 3. соломка (материал для шляп и т. п.) to braid straw —- плести соломку 4. соломенная шляпа a man in a white straw —- человек в белой соломенной шляпе 5. пустяк, мелочь not worth a straw —- ничего не стоить he doesn't care a straw for... —- ему наплевать на... 6. палевый, бледно-желтый цвет, цвет соломы (также straw colour) Id: a man of straw —- соломенное чучело; ненадежный (несерьезный) человек; подставное (фиктивное) лицо; воображаемый противник; довод, выдвигаемый спорящим только для того, чтобы самому его легко опровергнуть Id: a straw in the wind —- намек, предупреждение, указание Id: to throw straws against the wind —- пытаться угадать господствующую тенденцию, настроение и т. п.; посмотреть, куда ветер дует Id: to draw straws —- тянуть жребий (на длинную или короткую соломинку) Id: to catch (to clutch, to grasp) at a straw —- хвататься за соломинку Id: to draw (to gather, to pick) straws —- слипаться (о глазах) Id: the last straw —- последняя капля; предел терпения Id: it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back —- посл. последняя капля переполняет чашу Id: a straw shows which way the wind blows —- посл. и соломинка показывает, куда дует ветер; и мелочь...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) солома; соломка  2) соломинка  3) соломенная шляпа  4) пустяк, мелочь; not worth a straw - ничего не стоящий to catch at a straw - хвататься за соломинку the last straw - последняя капля a man of straw -  а) соломенное чучело;  б) ненадежный человек;  в) подставное, фиктивное лицо;  г) воображаемый противник not to care a straw - относиться совершенно безразлично a straw in the wind - намек, указание  2. adj.  1) соломенный  2) желтоватый, цвета соломы  3) ненадежный, сомнительный; straw bail amer. - ненадежное, липовое поручительство straw vote - неофициальный опрос общественного мнения для выяснения настроений общественности STRAW poll noun выборочный опрос общественного мнения ...
Англо-русский словарь
  солома соломенный цвет ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) солома 2) мн. ч. пищ. соломка - flax straw - rayon straw - rotted straw - tow straw ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 dry cut stalks of grain for use as fodder or as material for thatching, packing, making hats, etc. 2 a single stalk or piece of straw. 3 a thin hollow paper or plastic tube for sucking drink from a glass etc. 4 an insignificant thing (not worth a straw). 5 the pale yellow colour of straw. 6 a straw hat. Phrases and idioms catch (or grasp) at a straw resort to an utterly inadequate expedient in desperation, like a person drowning. straw boss US an assistant foreman. straw-colour pale yellow. straw-coloured of pale yellow. straw in the wind a slight hint of future developments. straw vote (or poll) an unofficial ballot as a test of opinion. straw-worm a caddis-worm. Derivatives strawy adj. Etymology: OE streaw f. Gmc, rel. to STREW ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English streaw; akin to Old High German stro ~, Old English strewian to strew  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. stalks of grain after threshing; broadly dry stalky plant residue used like grain ~ (as for bedding or packing)  b. a natural or artificial heavy fiber used for weaving, plaiting, or braiding  2. a dry coarse stem especially of a cereal grass  3.  a.  (1) something of small worth or significance  (2) something too insubstantial to provide support or help in a desperate situation clutching at ~s  b. chaff 2  4.  a. something (as a hat) made of ~  b. a tube (as of paper, plastic, or glass) for sucking up a beverage  • ~y adjective  II. adjective  Date: 15th century  1. made of ~ a ~ hat  2. of, relating to, or used for ~ a ~ barn  3. of the color of ~ ~ hair  4. of little or no value ; worthless  5. of, relating to, resembling, or being a ~ man  6. of, relating to, or concerned with the discovery of preferences by means of a ~ vote ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (straws) 1. Straw consists of the dried, yellowish stalks from crops such as wheat or barley. The barn was full of bales of straw... ...a wide-brimmed straw hat. N-UNCOUNT 2. A straw is a thin tube of paper or plastic, which you use to suck a drink into your mouth. ...a bottle of lemonade with a straw in it. N-COUNT 3. If you are clutching at straws or grasping at straws, you are trying unusual or extreme ideas or methods because other ideas or methods have failed. ...a badly thought-out scheme from a Government clutching at straws. PHRASE: V inflects 4. If an event is the last straw or the straw that broke the camel’s back, it is the latest in a series of unpleasant or undesirable events, and makes you feel that you cannot tolerate a situation any longer. For him the Church’s decision to allow the ordination of women had been the last straw... PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 5. If you draw the short straw, you are chosen from a number of people to perform a job or duty that you will not enjoy. ...if a few of your guests have drawn the short straw and agreed to drive others home after your summer barbecue. PHRASE: usu v PHR STRAW POLL (straw polls) A straw poll is the unofficial questioning of a group of people to find out their opinion about something. A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr Forth... N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. streaw, related to streowian (see strew), from P.Gmc. *strawam "that which is scattered," from PIE *stere- "to spread," from the notion of dried grain stalks strewn on a floor as a sort of carpeting. The last straw is from the proverb of the camel. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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